- MtnLionRescue is bootable disk image loaded with Utility Software that can be used as NetBoot or copied to a 8 GB Flash Drive.
- To make the OS small I tweaked NetBoot.dmg found in Apple Service Toolkit - AST OS 12 (10.8.4)/AST_OS_12-Installer.pkg.
- I remove all unecessary Appple AST stuff from image.
- Virtual memory is off and Journaling has been Disable. (Re-enable Journaling if you plan to use MtnLionRescue on Traditional Hard-Drive)
- MtnLionRescueis.dmg is 4.25 gigabytes
- All of the software installed is fully working.
- Image includes Recovery HD
***Log-in/Password default is= root/root
Apple Software:
AirPort Utility, Activity Monitor, Console, Disk Utility, Grab, PackageMaker, Preview,
Remote Desktop, System Preferences, Terminal, Workgroup Manager
Clix, 0xED, Apache Directory Studio, BatChmod, Carbon Copy Cloner, Chameleon SSD
Optimizer, coconutBattery, CodeRunner, Composer, CoRD, Cyberduck, Data
Rescue 3, DesktopUtility, Disk Drill, DiskTester, Drive Genius 3,FileZilla,
Google Chrome, Hardware Monitor Lite, iDefrag, iNet, iPartition, iRamDisk,
iSSH, KCNScrew, Keka, LaunchControl, Lightning,MachineProfile, Mactracker,
otx, Pacifist, Packages,Payload Extractor, PrefEdit, ScriptRunner,
SerialSeeker, SMARTReporter, StellarPhoenixMacDataRecovery, Sublime Text 2,
SystemLoad, TechTool Pro 7, Temperature Monitor, TextWrangler, Xlog
DHCP Option Code Utility, diglloydTools, Disk Arbitrator-0.4.2, MaxCpu,
Scripts, ADPassMon, ADTool, ApplePolish, asr, CreateUserPkg, dmg2iso, DSDebug,
fseventer, GR_Stress, Hex Fiend, HexEdit, LDAP Enabler,
MigrateLocalUserToDomainAcct.command, MRT, myPro.terminal, RAID Check,
RAIDaid, RaidEye, Remote Control Diagnostics, Sequel Pro, smartstatus, Trim
Enabler, User Template, WiFiSpoof,
System Requirements:
iMac (Mid 2007 or newer)
MacBook (Late 2008 Aluminum, or Early 2009 or newer)
MacBook Pro (Mid/Late 2007 or newer)
Xserve (Early 2009)
MacBook Air (Late 2008 or newer)
Mac mini (Early 2009 or newer)
Mac Pro (Early 2008 or newer)
OS version: 10.8.4
Processor type(s) & speed: 64
RAM minimum: 2GB
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